Application is made by completing a Request for Membership form and mailing it to the Association’s Post Office Box. You may download the application or request an application by writing to our Post Office Box. Please include a check as requested on the bottom of the application. If your application is denied, your check will be returned to you.
• DUES: $25.00 Annually, payment due by the end of January of each new year (or $125 for Lifetime Membership.)
• REGULAR: Law Enforcement membership consists of any peace officer who is active or retired, any reserve peace officer, or any non-sworn employee of a law enforcement agency.
• ASSOCIATE: Associate membership is limited to any individual of good standing in the community who applies for membership in the Association. An Associate member must be sponsored by a regular member in good standing.
• APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications for membership are submitted for approval at the next regular meeting of the Association. The names of the applicants are read to the members in attendance. If there are no objections of the members present, the application is deemed accepted.
Notification of acceptance or denial is made by the Secretary. If accepted, a membership identification card will be mailed within 30 days by the Secretary.